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Thanks for your votes! "Big tiddy hex gf" won, but I might do the Unsheltered one and do the Hex one as a standalone pic next (tomorrow or something) or take a bit more time to come up with the idea; Thing is, I have a neat character idea for the big tiddy hex gf one, but I couldn't come with a satisfactory comic idea within an hour; meanwhile I have a full page comic idea for Unsheltered.

Can't afford to spend more time brainstorming if I want the page to be done today, so I'll take a raincheck on the Hex and think about it more.

I'll def do that idea, I like the concept I have, so may first do a standalone sketch/character art for her first and then see what direction I'm taking; I'm not leaving you dry after you voted for it, but I'm out of time for today and I need to start drawing if I want to finish at reasonable hours, or at all. :P

Let's have the second menu, and the hex as a dessert later!

Thanks for your help!



Yippie "Big tiddy hex gf" won, hooray