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On the Sunday, shortly after getting home from Adepticon, I decided to try to run a role-playing game. I was very tired and emotionally drained, and a bit distraught, but I hated the idea of skipping a session. Time is fleeting. Why not try to run Mothership? Yeah, I hadn't really slept, yeah I was taking bereavement, but maybe some time with The Fellas would be just what I needed.

It turns out, that was not what I needed. That was just about the last session of the campaign. Maybe the last session of friendship, when I got into a shouting match with one of the players. I also threw hummus at him, causing him to leave wordlessly.

Thinking about that day made it uncomfortable to work on this footage at times. You look at Jet with a cowlick and a winter sweater, and I want to tell him - "Don't try to run an RPG. You're way too fuckin' tired. You're going to lay hands on a friend and really regret it."

But eventually, I powered through. The friendship was mended. I've even run an RPG for that player since then.

All was going great, and I was finally starting to sit down and edit the footage. That was, until I got hit in the eye with a baseball going 86 miles per hour.

That's a different story though.

Post-Adepticon I have quite a few videos, and I hope to put them out in really short succession.

1. Breakdown
2. Al-Medinat Terrain
3. Three Mech Games to Keep an Eye On
4. Tie-In Fiction Panel
5. Halo : The Miniatures Game (yeah I know it's called shatterpoint or some shit)
6. What's going on in Korea?

Thanks for watching, and look forward to some Patron-exclusive content this month.


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