237 - MIAMI VICE: BROTHER'S KEEPER (1984) + MIAMI VICE (2006) ft. Emmett (@PoorQuentyn) (Patreon)
Hosts Josh and Jamie and special guest Emmett (@PoorQuentyn) get Mann fever and discuss getting high on the action in the soulful, stylish world of undercover narcotrafficking in the pilot episode of MIAMI VICE: BROTHER'S KEEPER (1984) + Michael Mann's impressionistic, hyper-digital masterpiece of a remake/update on the material MIAMI VICE (2006). Next week's bonus episode is a patron-exclusive bonus episode on artistic frustration and serial murder in HANGOVER SQUARE (1945) and A BUCKET OF BLOOD (1959), you can get access to that episode (and all past + future bonus episodes) by subscribing to our $5 tier.
Intro // 00:00-14:00
BROTHER'S KEEPER // 14:00-1:14:12
MIAMI VICE // 1:14:12-3:07:50
Outro // 3:07:50-3:12:18
Emmett's podcast: www.patreon.com/NotACastASOIAF