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Josh and Jamie some saw more new release genre movies that we wanted to talk about! Mild spoilers and such! Let us know what you guys thought of these movies if you saw em and if you have any recommendations for next month. 6 UNDERGROUND and UNCUT GEMS discussions definitely coming your way soon. 

SHADOW //  04:43-16:57
THE LIGHTHOUSE //  16:57-32:09
THE IRISHMAN //  32:09-1:26:43




great review on the irishman. glad you mentioned that scene about the door being opened a little. i caught that the first time i watched it, but then every review i read after was complaining about the ending being very random. i'm like "random????"


also what is the discord?


it's a voice/text chat app, being a patron gets you an auto invite to it where the other patrons all chat it up sometimes. it comes with your subscription somewhere in the patreon layout