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Hey so , since december , ive been mainly drawing mlp (my little pony) themed drawings which I love doing a lot , it got a TON of success in general and has made my patreon grow A LOT in a short amount of time , which is awesome and encouraging . I wanna keep doing it , but I also wanna know if its rubbing some of you the wrong way since I know lots of you are here for other stuff than MLP .

So I wanna know what you guys think of it . Do you mind if I keep drawing mlp stuff in general ( like semi-regularly) or you'd want more variety ? I will draw other stuff than mlp of course . I just need some input from you guys so I know how to proceed going forward since you guys are paying for my content !

Also feel free to comment more in detail what you think ! 


Josiah Agamaite

While I don't care for MLP, I would much rather you draw what you want. Do what you feel like doing, man.


I'd prefer you'd just draw what you enjoy drawing. I'm indifferent about MLP stuff. If I had to pick I'd easily lean to more of that gothification, Koko-posts and things like that.


Everything you draw is absolute top tier. I'm here for the thigh highs and the chub that doesn't quite fit in them 😌


I don't mind it but I will say I do miss the variety.


I mean you're enjoying the mlp art phase I say continue. It's your art, and when you draw what you love it shows. Keep up the awesome art.