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Dafuq is going on now ?

Alright guys so here's an update about the situation . For NOW , Everything seems stable with my account and I didn't got any suspicious warning or anythingfrom Patreon  (I don't think pinups is out of the line for patreon AS OF NOW) and it has been doing very good these past few months so im thinking of sticking here now since there's a good momentum , so if you already like how its going here already , you don't have to worry at all about switching over to my subscribestar ! It all depends on how the situation will change , but right now , I don't have any current problem with it so im gonna stick here for now . I wanna see the current situation with patreon further to see if its worth switching now rather than next year and etc .

Then when are you gonna switch over to Subscribestar like you said ?

Thinking of doing it NEXT YEAR  (if it goes to shit) . At first , I tought Subscribestar supported Paypal but they do not anymore and I have to set up another way or receiving the money and bank account and blablabla . Im gonna do the switch when its gonna feel right and right now , I don't see anything bad happening to my account ( Im not very controversial in the nsfw art community so there's that eheh) SO yeah im gonna switch over when it will feel right , cause switching right now kinda seems odd to me .


I ain't going anywhere right now , Im gonna slowly set up my Subscribestar account and add stuff there slowly over time but my main focus will still be here . I'll probably set up the subscribestar as an alternative for those who wanna support me but HATES patreon . Im gonna adapt to my situation and see where it all goes and adapt as it goes cause that's the kind of person I am . I hope its all clear for you guys . If you have ANY question please ask them below in the comments and im gonna answer them . Love you guys a lot , you guys are the reason im drawing as my job and I can't thank you guys enough . Love y'all and stay safe




Thank you for giving us an update on the situation