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So im sure you've noticed that my lineart pieces take a tremendous amount of time to do so from now on im gonna stop doing lineart and only focus on sketch with paint (like my recent portrait and the foo fighter pic) I want my stuff to come out way more consistently and doing those big lineart pieces is a pure dread to do for me , doing sketches and roughs is what I have the most fun doing so im gonna only focus on that from now , so that means more stuff more often and way more fun for em to do ! that also means 2 MONTHLY POLLS !  From now on im gonna do 2 polls per month since I have way more time to dedicate to them since it won't take me fucking 3 weeks for one big drawing lol . first poll will be about fanart *like they are now) and another one focused on something else (gonna figure that out next month , it could be oc focused polls !) so yeah im really happy with this change , doing big clean piece is a dread for me so its a relief . Hope you guys are happy with this decision ! Let me know in the comments if you wanna discuss about it or suggest me stuff ! love y'all :) 


Cley Faye

So… more stuff, less dread for you, eh, this might work, who knows :D But I'll admit I might miss the lineart. We'll see.

Kebwito la Mascarpone

You do what you have to do! Your stuff won't be of a lower quality! You take care of yourself and have fun!