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Marie Esposito

Dedicates her life to being a housewife and helps her husband in his pizzeria. Although her deepest desire was to be a mother, her husband's sterility made this impossible. With the menopause fast approaching, they finally agreed to seek help. Now, the big question hanging over Andrea is: who will be the person who will come into their lives to help them realize this dream?

  • None

  • 44 Years

  • Caregiver 🤗

Esposito Esposito

Comes from a family of traditional and rigorous pizza makers, making a living from their renowned pizzeria. Although he's not completely enthusiastic about the idea, he's decided to go along with his wife's request to find someone to help them have a child. The big question is: how will [Mudar] deal with the jealousy that this situation might arouse?

  • College Student

  • 47 Years

  • Everyman 🤑



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