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The ancient sorcerer cackled with a dry cough, his desiccated husk barely recognizable under the oversized, richly threaded green and gold robe. A gigantic iridescent diamond hung around his neck, suspended by thick gold chains that seemed to pull his crooked neck down to the floor. In his hand, he clutched a twisted staff carved out of dark wood that I, Arelle Thorne, adventurer ordinaire, failed to recognize. "A troll? Do I look like a troll to you?" he demanded in fitful irritation as I re-read the quest details scribbled onto the parchment in my hand.

Kill the Troll in the Forest Cave

Difficulty: E
Suggested Party Level: 5 or above
Minimum Party Members: 1 (Solo Encounter)
Prerequisites: None
Details: A troll has been stealing cows from the village of Dernhurst. Many residents fear their pets and children are next. Kill the troll living in the cave east of the village and deliver its head to the Guildmaster in the Black Dragon Tavern.
Reward: 25 Gold

With fingers trembling, I clumsily stuffed the crinkled parchment back into my tattered cloak. Perhaps there's still a chance to escape. My messy blonde hair fell out of my hood as I nervously bowed to the old man before me. "Forgive me, sir. It seems I've made a mistake. You don't strike me as the kind to steal cows."

He let out a weak, derisive laugh and struggled to stifle another cough. As my low gaze swept across the cave interior, I considered the surrounding walls and floors adorned with thick tapestries. Everything was covered in dark crimson runes that seemed to pulsate with otherworldly energy. No hidden side chambers or hallways though...

His sneer grew wider as he spoke. "I believe it's time for you to be on your way now, intruder." He did not, however, remove his summoned barrier of twilight that had trapped me inside the cave with him.

My grip on my spear tightened as I cautiously backed away from him. "Would you… perhaps… care to tell me what a high-level blood shaman is doing in these backwater woods?" The explanation might help me find peace in the next world...

"Why bother?" he wheezed fitfully as the staff in his gnarled hand came alive with an eerie maroon light. "You'll be dead soon enough."

Old man or not, I wasn't about to let him finish casting any spells. With my short spear at the ready, I lunged forward in desperation. A sudden barrier of shimmering… rainbows intercepted my attack, however, bouncing me backward to crash onto the cave floor with a loud thud. The one place the fluffy flooring didn’t reach…

Despite the pain coursing through my body, I scrambled to my feet, fueled by a fierce desire for even the smallest amount of petty vengeance. If I'm going to die here, I'm at least going to leave a memorable stain all over your carpeting!

"Master..." a voice crooned softly throughout the cave with an odd undercurrent of amusement. "What tiny pest have you let

into your domicile this time? A mosquito, perhaps?"

"Go back to sleep, you worthless imp!" the decrepit old man snapped angrily as a dark magic circle appeared around my feet, binding me in place. "I don't need your help with this anymore!"

"Your methods are so boring, though," the voice replied, seeming to slither through the darkness until it was just a few feet to my side. "Won't you allow me to entertain you with this one? I promise not to waste a single drop of her blood."

"... And just how do you propose to entertain me, demon?" the dark sorcerer responded, his voice dripping with malice laced with curiosity.

A thick, black mist swirled and condensed into a towering figure standing at least six and a half feet tall. As the veiling edges of the dark fog dissipated, vibrant colors erupted from his now solid form. Two ebony horns protruded from either side of his head, adding to his intimidating presence. He was inappropriately dressed, however, wearing nothing but a scanty loincloth. A glistening, prismatic jewel was embedded in the muscular flesh of his dusky chest, matching the one hanging from the old man's neck. I couldn't help but feel both terrified yet somewhat intrigued by the strange being before me.

A high-level demon that glitters like a radiant diamond...?

Why isn't he wearing any pants?

"May I have your gracious permission, Master, to invite her to fight for her life?" the demon inquired with a sinister sweetness, his eyes gleaming with malicious excitement. "Think of it as a game! I’ll even allow her to make the first attack with the generous promise that I will not do anything to stop it. I believe that would be much more interesting than simply draining her where she stands."

"Hmph..." the shaman snorted as he considered the request, tilting his head slightly to the side. "You'll make her scream for as long as possible?" You disgusting, evil old man!

"As soon as my turn begins," the demon promised with a sinuous bow, his tail snapping fitfully.

The elder mage set his staff aside, easing himself into his plush, throne-like chair, and waved a hand, dissolving the runes holding me in place. "Go on then, I'm not getting any younger- yet!" he cackled haughtily until his uncontrollable coughs overtook it.

No stranger to unfortunate fates, I paused to reflect on my deepest regrets before heading toward my anticipated final moments. I'll be joining you soon, Eliot... If there's any possibility of asking for your forgiveness, I-

"Young mortal!" the demon snapped to get my attention. "I'll only say this once. I give you this one chance to strike without any consequence." His mouth no longer moved, but I heard his sibilant voice in my ears. "So make sure you choose your action and target wisely! If you fail, I will unleash a fate far worse than simple death upon you."

Almost gasping at his final unspoken words, I glanced sharply at the silver-haired demon, locking my questioning gaze with his now mirthful purple eyes. Are you really... going to allow me to do that?

As I studied his face for any recognition of my thoughts, the demon remained expressionless, slowly uncrossing his arms and widening his stance as if inviting me to attack him openly.

Dubiously trying to estimate the distance between us, I quickly glanced at the demon's master out of the corner of my eye. His eyes gleamed with anticipation, and he let out an evil chuckle as he leaned on his mini-throne with one hand supporting his wobbling head.

Correction, if I'm going to die, I'm taking you with me so no one else ends up being victimized like this! Cautiously, I inched toward the demon, my spear held low. As I closed in hesitantly, I subtly shifted my footing and began to circle him, pretending to scan for any weaknesses.

"Perhaps I should have specified a time limit?" the demon joked mildly to his master with a sly grin, serving as the perfect distraction for me. With a swift pivot, I hurled my spear with all my might toward the evil sorcerer. The weapon sliced through the air with a satisfying ‘swoosh’ before embedding itself into his chest, cutting off his startled shriek. Black, ichorous blood trickled from the wound and his lips as he gurgled incoherently.

"Oh my!" the demon gasped from behind me, the smirk evident in his voice. "That was quite entertaining indeed, wouldn't you say, Master?"

The blood shaman gasped, "Ungrateful... bastard..." before collapsing from his throne. With a wet exhale, his last breath left him as he fell lifeless to the floor.

"You won the game!" the demon cheered, his entire body wracked with stifled laughter as he covered his fanged mouth. "And yet, I can't help but feel that I've won as well..."

"Now what happens?" I asked with overwhelming dread, knowing that a peaceful parting was never an option.

"Ah..." he sighed regretfully, his laughter dissipating completely. "I do apologize for this, but I didn't make the rules..."

A searing sensation radiated from my neck, causing me to claw at it frantically. My fingers became trapped in the intricate links of a gold necklace, identical to the one once worn by the old man. "What's happening?!" I gasped in confusion.

"Why don't you start by telling me your name, Master?"


Tim Burget

Well, this is an interesting start. I wonder who Eliot is. Also, is this story related to Cooperative Universal Publishing at all?


Hmm. I think I should. You know. "Brand Awareness!"