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As I type this afterword for Book 1 of The Last Rae of Hope, I find myself reflecting on the journey that led to the creation of this story. What began as a series of scattered thoughts and absurd ambitions to challenge and maybe even dismantle some of the uncomfortable truths we face both in reality and in the realms of fantasy has since blossomed into the first part of a story that I hope has been both entertaining and a little thought-provoking.

This novel, which found its first steps on Royal Road in April 2023, was born from a desire to intertwine satire and storytelling in a way that shines a light on the flawed systems that both govern our lives and the fantastical worlds we escape to. Satire, by its nature, is meant to cause discomfort, to prod us into recognition of the nonsense that lies in what we consider normal processes, and ultimately push us toward the realization that we can, indeed, aspire to do better.

Throughout "The Last Rae of Hope," I do try to keep a bit of comedy with the critique, aiming not just to entertain but to illuminate the often unseen consequences of the systems we navigate daily. This story is meant to assert that while individuals can and do make mistakes (and goodness, have I made a lot of them even on my own), it is the systems in which we operate that often pave the way for these errors, guiding us unwittingly toward outcomes we neither desired nor intended. Sure, an extreme outlier here or there may wake up one morning, intentionally deciding to be the villain of the story, but far more often, we grab our pitchforks for a witch hunt that has no witch.

Writing this book is just the beginning of a journey of self-discovery, not only of the story's characters and their world but also of my own thoughts and beliefs about society, responsibility, and the power of understanding and directing change. It is my hope that as you follow the adventures, misadventures, and revelations within these pages and those volumes to come, you find moments of laughter, reflection, and perhaps even a spark of inspiration to question and challenge the systems you find yourself a part of.

At its heart, "The Last Rae of Hope" is a call to look beyond the surface, to see beyond individuals' blame and shame, and to consider the larger systems at play. It's an invitation to recognize that while we may not be able to overhaul these systems overnight, we can each play a part in initiating change just by asking one question, offering one challenge, or even laughing one uncomfortable laugh at a time. 

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you for embarking on this roundabout journey with me. Your engagement, thoughts, and reflections have been invaluable. The road ahead is long, and the systems we navigate are tediously complex, but together, we can continue to hope, challenge, and dream of a world made better by our collective, continuous efforts.

Thank you for your time, your mind, and your heart. Here's to the adventures that await us in the next book.

Next: Book 2: Chapter 1: Preparing to Negotiate


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