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Information about update: https://www.patreon.com/posts/alpha-abs-z-beta-59474815 

Beta 0.4 is pretty stable and have enough basic functionality for start making projects with Alpha ABS Z.

New documentation:

Extended Hit Boxes 

Extra Events Comments 

Map Inventory compatibility note's 

Alpha NET Z (multiplayer) compatibility note's 

Weapons Motions (will be done soon...)


  • Weapons Motions
  • Add and Remove party leader on map
  • Fixed bug with AnimaX layers and enemies dead
  • Added Alpha NET Z compatibility (require version 0.6 and above, PREVIEW)
  • Added support for Map Inventory (require version 2.0 and above)
  • Extended Hit Boxes for Actors and Enemies
  • Improved AI pathfinding (fix game freezes when player surrounded by enemies)
  • Many small changes and fixes

Download Demo project from attachments

  • Map Inventory and Alpha NET Z plugins not included
  • AnimaX [Basic] plugin included, updated to 1.2



I would like to request an interesting function from the system (if it doesn't exist), in the Skill Slots options, I would like to determine which item or unique skill could be added there, for example, I want to put two slots for PV and MP potion in one place specific to the screen, and I would leave it configured for whenever I drop one of these items, it would automatically appear there, the way it is I can already do that, but other items and skills will also go because I have no way to determine that that slot belongs to a specific item/skill. Another request would be to be able to control the image of each slot instead of using the default icon of the item/skill, for mobile devices, for example, the attack icon is very small, it would be interesting to be bigger and with a custom image. Thanks!


I'm getting the following error when opening a project compiled in Android Studio or opening the project on a LINUX server. The same problem does not occur in a web browser of the Android phone itself or in a browser with Windows system. https://i.ibb.co/WsHCXxw/Capturar.png


I planned to optimaze skill slots for mobile devices and for Steam Deck