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  • Party Leader Swap

Now in game you can change party leader (player character) by pressing key or click on portrait

Read more here: Party Wiki Page

If you like game Genshin Impact, this feature can helps you implement similar mechanic in your RPG Maker game

  • Extra Hit Boxes
    You can extend hit box for enemy added special comment for ABS Event

Read more here: ABS Enemies Parameters

  • Skill image offset
    Added new ABS parameters for ABS:1 skill for edit image offsets by direction, see updated guide


Full Changelog


Update download link soon (in separate post) only for Patrons




Is the hit boxes function suitable to player?


So can we only have one party member out at a time and still switch between them? (like in genshin)


I didn't have time to add extended hitboxes for the player and the party members in this update. WIll be in next.


Also, i didn't have time to add this option in this updte, but will be in next. For now - all party members on map (controlled by AI). You can only switch who you want control yourself.