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Now all UI elements settings are transferred from plugin parameters to JSON files.

Updated JSON files:

  • StatesPanelSettings.json
  • ItemsNotifySettings.json
  • UIGauges.json

Now, Firearm panel can be modified, see FirearmPanel.json

New plugin parameter:   'Shake screen when player get damage?'

New uAPI commands for UI Spell Panel:

  •  uAPI.UIClearSkills 
  •  uAPI.UISetSkill(id, index) 
  •  uAPI.UISetItem(id, index) 
  •  uAPI.UIRemoveSkill(id) 
  •  uAPI.UIRemoveItem(id) 
  •  uAPI.UIRemoveByIndex(index) 
  •  uAPI.UISavePanelState 
  •  uAPI.UIRestorePanelState 

More information at:  https://github.com/KageDesu/Alpha-ABS/wiki/Script--Calls-API 

New feature: Auto rotate player to mouse, when Ctrl is pressed. (To change key, see KeyBinding.json)

Also, improved mouse tracking and mouse position determination.

New feature: <explosive:1> - new ABS parameter for all <ABS:1> skills. Allow create explosive effect, when the spell reach target. Works with <noTarget> vector skills too.

<explosive: 1> - where 1 - is damage radius, can be 2 or more.

 New feature: New ABS Parameter for enemies <HPBarStyle: StyleID> - allow create custom HP bars on map for each enemy.

StyleID - style name from  UIGauges.json 

Default map mini HP Bar can be updated too (see  UIGauges.json for configuration). Default style: miniHp

 New feature: Extended error messages (like Yanfly's Engine plugin)  and error logs in file

You can make screenshots and send me, to fix bugs and errors.

Or you can send last error log file from: your game directory/logs  (only for PC or MAC)



oh happy day! the next build is here!


I have a error messages where can i send the screenshot?