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 Keep adding and testing new UI elements from version 1.3. 

 The update for Alpha NET is coming soon too 

This time it's a new notification text

 Configuration file: data\AABS\UINotifyText.json (new)

New Player weapon cool down timer

 Configuration file: data\AABS\UIActorWeapon.json  (updated)

New Enemy cast bar

 Configuration file: data\AABS\UIEnemyCastBar.json  (new)

Some important changes:

Since build 1030, all UI buttons images must be in img\AABS folder instead img\pictures 

The in-game UI editor is no longer available

UIActorCastBar.json has been updated

UIGauges.json has been updated



thanks man!


I has tested it and it's works without lags. Can you give me more information?


I don't know, but everything works flawlessly until follower engages in combat. Tried without other plugins enabled and still no luck :S