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This is for youtube video: https://youtu.be/qcCDCmykqc4

Auto Interviewer is an autonomous interview agent which can perform interviews for any position. It has two processes which run in parallel to interview and evaluate and write to database in parallel asynchronously. It features threading for parallelization a queue system and observer pattern for automatic notification of the evaluator of every Q and A pairs. It writes to a sqlite database

UPDATE: I added "interviewed for" and "level" to the DB as well



Langston Richardson

You've been a Godsend, sir. It would be interesting to see this foundation blown out as Vision application where the LLM would also assess soft skills of the candidate. Think of a Zoom link where the code takes in candidate answers the same way but with transcription abilities. But not only that; analyzing the video of the candidate for qualities that the AI can look for important to the job.


Thank you 🙏 as you said, there are a lot of of different directions this can be taken and you suggest some good ones. I will try to explore different ideas going forward.

Shemaiah Sanders

Hi Memo I would like to schedule a time to meet with you because I really like this program auto interviewer. There is a functionality that I would like to add and I need your assistance.


Thank you for being a patron. Please send me a message on discord and I will try to assist you https://discord.gg/tuqRYCNNed