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This is for video: https://youtu.be/L8UsPlT0nAA

we will do a deep dive on AutoGen and explore how to create 6 agents which work as a group to write a book, build Tower Defense game and do research.

NOTE: using python 3.10 fixes pip install not being recognized 

AutoGen multi agent introduction  video: https://youtu.be/oOqeOspJL0o

AutoGen introduction video: https://youtu.be/WnBCPG-ZdLk

Quick start if you are new to coding and GPT API:



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Michal Babula

Hi I have some basic issues: I pip installed requirments but when I run files I have the following error: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'autogen' Do you know what I am doing wrong?


are you running it from the same environment you installed the pip installs from? this project uses pyautogen==0.1.8. I updated the requirements. Don't think this should relate to this problem tho. That says that you don't have pyautogen pip installed. Maybe try pip installing them individually?

Kevin Armengol

group_work.py is a super useful script, thanks. curious if you have any thoughts on how to approach organizing/structuring a repo that houses various autogen pipelines. Like would you store agents in a dedicated agent directory or module that you then just import as needed for a given pipeline? Also, what are your thoughts on using yaml for configuration management?


I am probably not the best at structuring code but having classes for various AutoGen agents and importing them seems reasonable to me. I never used yaml for configuration but I will look into the differences. Thank you for being a Patron!