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This is for video: https://youtu.be/I5uQg4V3w0k

NOTE: Always be careful when auto executing functions. Especially with file operations. It is best to put a check to make sure agent does NOT modify anything outside of the working directory.

Source code for AUTO AGI: https://www.patreon.com/posts/code-files-for-87530987

Search 140+ echohive videos and code download links: https://www.echohive.live/

LLM Paper Summaries: https://llmpapers.up.railway.app/

Try the GPT-4 Auto Coder app: https://gpt4autocoder.streamlit.app/

Chat with us on Discord:  https://discord.gg/PPxTP3Cs3G

GPT-4 web UI: https://gpt-4.up.railway.app/



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