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This is for video: https://youtu.be/xXQRYoK7gy0

In this video we will see how we can build a full stack webapp powered by gpt 3.5 turbo 16k and deploy it on railway. This project includes all the files you can deploy online right away. We retrieve latest papers related to Large Language Models using arxiv api. then summarize the contents to a csv file and use the file to generate the contents for the webapp which is built with html using tailwind css and pure JavaScript backed by A FastAPi Python backend. we also save the OpenAI embeddings of the documents to the csv and there isa search.py file for doing similarity search over the paper summaries.

LLM papers webapp: https://llmpapers.up.railway.app/

Search all echohive videos and code download links: https://www.echohive.live/

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Try the GPT-4 Auto Coder app: https://gpt4autocoder.streamlit.app/



Eddie Ho

Hi! Love your video and programs. I have downloaded this Arxiv LLM papers and excited to deploy for my own source. But struck at the part of deployment to Railyway which said "Crashed" & "Application failed to respond". Where can i get support? thanks


Glad you are enjoying the content and thank you for being a Patron. Check the deploy logs of the application from your application deployment dashboard. that includes anything which would have normally printed in the terminal. You can see there what the issue is. Make sure you have your requirements file and application run command set up correctly and follow the instructions in the video closely. Let me know how it goes

Michal Babula

LLM papers webapp is great I wonder if there is possibility of adding the date of publishing the article and search option.


Thank you. I want to improve it or completely redesign it at some point. Hopefully soon :)