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Live stream for this video: https://youtube.com/live/l3EQ1QLnxwk

to run just run the Auto_Coder_V.4.py file and follow the instructions

To auto run in command prompt run:

python Auto_Coder_V.4.py --auto 

additional arguments:

--pause : to pause after instruction generation

--model gpt-4-0613 : to assign a different model (default gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613)

--num 5 to : to change how many code files are generated in parallel (default 3)

for example:

python Auto_Coder_V.4.py --auto --pause --model gpt-4 --num 5

will auto run while pausing after instructions generation for review of user_instructions.txt file( you can modify that file before proceeding. make sure to save it after you change it. will set the model to gpt-4 and number of simultaneous pseudo code generation to 5.

search all my videos and find code download links:




Shemaiah Sanders

ok so i found out the problem I had to hard script openai secret key into the code for it work for me. I don't think anyone else will have the same problem

Shemaiah Sanders

I think it’s incredible piece of work