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This is for video: https://youtu.be/9G05qybShv8
live stream for this video: https://youtube.com/live/wqc-3IQeCF4?feature=share

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suki subramaniam

Hi @echohive I recently joined your group and glad to be here. I used this code and it is working fine for OpenAI embeddings & OpenAI model. I tried using the below llm & embedding. llm = HuggingFaceHub(repo_id = "google/flan-t5-large", model_kwargs={'temperature':0.2}) embedding = HuggingFaceEmbeddings() when I use any of the transformers based models from HuggingFace hub, I am getting the error as mentioned below. raise OutputParserException( langchain.schema.OutputParserException: Parsing text Back_up_your_Mac_with_Time_Machine-Apple_ raised following error: Got invalid return object. Expected markdown code snippet with JSON object, but got: Back_up_your_Mac_with_Time_Machine-Apple_ Please let me know if the RouterChain works only for OpenAI based models ?


Welcome! And thank you for becoming a Patron. I have used langchain only with OpenAI models. I would assume you can use the router chain with other models but I wouldn’t be able to tell you exactly. Feel free to ask in our community discord to see if anyone else knows about this better: https://discord.gg/HuufQZfThq