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Prioritizing 3D Animations 📋
Welcome back! First of all, I’d like to apologize for the reduced content this month, there was a lot I wanted to sort out as I wasn’t happy making VFX videos anymore. I’m glad I was able to get Thumble Thieves out before I wrote this post as it does show the quality difference, my VFX videos will NEVER look or feel like that animation, and I only want them to get better. This can’t happen with VFX videos. These are the videos I want to prioritize instead and are the majority of what I am going to be making going forward so that I can focus on the part of art I love- exciting concepts & storytelling.
TL;DR Live-action VFX videos are not fun for me, I’m doing 3D animations instead.

What about the unfinished VFX videos? 🎥
There will still be VFX videos every once in a while, but it wont be the main ‘meat’ of the content I produce, I still have an awesome video with Giantess Elle planned that I think is super brutal and creative.
Some will still get done, such as the godqueen video as this is new for me- it also has major 3D shots between scenes that are exciting.
Others such as The Race 2 are likely scrapped, I actually finished this video but I don’t think my heart was in it, it’s not good on my end and could have been much more.

Exciting Changes 🔄
With these changes I’ve got lots of exciting plans- you may have noticed that I have stopped using those AI voices in my videos, that’s going to be turning into real voice acting soon, I’ve been in contact with some people and will be commissioning some great people for bigger story animation projects.
In addition to this I will also be dabbling into more things not in my main tastes, this will likely include gentle, plus more. Go vote in #polls on Discord to let me know what you prefer!

Planned Videos 📷

The Last Straw A homeless Minian woman finds refuge in a comfortable tube, sleeping there, unfortunately when the cafe opens up for business in the morning she learns it’s purpose.

Seat Wars ”Why are you in a human seat anyway?? you’re just a Minian!” the tiny is barked at by an angry human woman, she wanted the window seat. She was determined to get it, whether you’re there or not.

Trick or Treat Halloween content… you will find out soon enough!

Untitled (Lauren Ashlyn & godqueen) A man is rejected by his date for his pathetically tiny size, but he shows up in her room anyway...




With how good Thumble Thieves was, I'm completely down for that~! Your animations/animated portions were always the best part! Looking forward to them~! Especially that Halloween one~!

M 888

ah man, sucks to hear you had to scrap the race video. Is there any way you could send the video out to people who are still interested in it? Honestly, I'm sure I would have loved it either way, in my opinion, you do great VFX!