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Hi all, this will be the first of my monthly updates. If this isn't of interest to you then feel free to scroll on by and enjoy my newest video below! :>

General 📋
Recently I have been highly focussed on building a Patreon that I feel is of value but unfortunately this has strayed me slightly off-path, rather than focusing on quality it has been quantity which has caused me to not learn as much. It has also been very very stressful.

This is my schedule page and as you can see- I often produce entire projects in a day which I think leads me to cut corners.
It also pushes me to try to hit the one-day window and I end up being awake for 20 hours straight producing- which is unhealthy for me.
Going forward I want to more days on projects and only deliver it to you all and the community when I feel it is ready and good enough. That way I can do more interesting ideas and experiments.
TL;DR less projects, more quality.

SizeCon / Away for a Week 🌇
At the start of June I will be away for a week and will be attending SizeCon in New Jersey. If any of you are attending let me know, it would be nice to see you! It is unlikely anything will release on Patreon during this time.

Upcoming Videos 📷

Instant Regret (animation)
A man pays a model to shrink him and place him inside her shoe, unfortunately the machine bugs and reverses the invulnerability mechanic resulting in unfavourable results...

Rage Quit (live action)
A tiny is gaming with Francesca and wins, she is less than pleased by his cocky reaction and deals with him in her rage.

Vice Experiment (live action)
An evil scientist tests the fragility of a Minian illegally by squashing him inside a vice grip slowly.

Future 💭
My first project after returning from America will be the voted-upon animation titled- Instant Regret. It will be of pretty high quality and I will take it very seriously.

In addition I can also confirm that once that starts to approach completion that the second animation poll for Patreon's will go live and it will be entirely vore projects. The reason for this is that there is clearly a larger interest in foot content in my audience so I feel it's unfair on the others.

In terms of other projects, I have planned 6 high-quality videos with Francesca Belli (a darling, you should follow her; https://twitter.com/FraSquish) these are not clips but are multi-angled stories with exciting moments. Again, as per the new strategy will get the long-term quality treatment.

Outro 👋
Thank you for reading, as usual, the support recently has been awesome and motivating. I hope the future projects come together really nicely and are enjoyed by the community for a long time!


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