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So I got some criticism so far, and it gave me a great idea. we will start here.

I'll add more to the patreon, and YOU guys can tell me what to draw. gimme ideas! every week or more, I want to ask for ideas. Primarily:

Short 3-4 panel comic side stories (like we used to do! but sketched for time's sake) 


No max payment amount really, just anyone who donates can give their say, but I think if anyone donates more than 5 or 10, maybe I'll be more likely to work on their idea? 

But what I want to see most of all, is people commenting on other peoples ideas saying "This! do this idea!" if you like someone elses idea, I'll be far more likely to draw it :>

How does this sound? if you like it, get started! Do you have any cute ideas involving Bailey or Pepper? maybe they are at work to show what their job is like? or what about some pregnant issues Cari might have, like just tryin to hit a staircase! Or, smutty ideas~ though i love the idea of doing more side stories again<3



Cari trying to pick up things on the ground?


:D this is really cute i wanna doodle that&lt;3


Awesome idea! Let's try to get some class participation ^_^ For an idea, how about something like different stages of Cari pregnancy. Like 4 different months of Cari appetites, or her challenges getting up/dressed at different stages. Or changes in her mood.


I remember seeing an idea posted on the tumblr I really liked. Pregnant Cari and pregnant Mallory getting together and doing naughty stuff. I believe the post said making out, but why stop there. :)

Blarg Bobcat

Skunks and dogs in record shops. Failing that, do they know Alan and Ethan? Are they in the same universe? Maybe they see them at a coffeeshop or something.


I think more Will things would be appropriate, being excited to be a new Dad, his daily routine, etc.


One of my favorite side comics from 'Ship Tease' was the guy eating a sandwich next to Ethan and Alan's "alone time". Maybe have that same guy in the apartment beside Cari and Will's, being similarly interrupted


I should totes draw her having some hella mood swings :3


could be a cute non canon idea, cant help but leave cari being into guys but, preg tum pressed against preg tum is cuuuuute :&gt;


would Ethan be dressed as a cute hippy gay dad or a cute lady in a lovely dress with glam hair~


Will does need more attention! itd be cute to draw him reading a 'how to dad' book or something ;D


omg could even be upgraded from there, a neighbor sees a roo just thrusting hard naked in the window from afar and hears muffled yelps and he's all o3o