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So I'm already starting to think up and design the next comics, and I'm considering doing TWO at once again! :D

I'm also tempted to change the style's up a lot. I'm thinking of trying for flat colored and just doing details on things to add depth instead of shadows. I'm also considering bigger panels, so there'd be more pages, and I could probably get them done a bit faster too.

less panels/bigger panels = longer comics too. I could probably put out 3 a month maybe, maybe? I'm not sure yet but I'd love to see these comics go a bit faster I suppose :3

But I make this a poll to ask one other question, right now I post pinups and art pretty soon after they come up here. should I maybe wait longer, like we get it a week or MORE early? make things a bit more special? :3

and last comments, if anyone has opinions on any of this, or ideas oh now to get more people into the patreon to help me create more, let me know<3



Voted for the post a week after because it might draw more interest for non-patreons to sign up, but I'm definitely fine with the way things are now!


Aaaah I'm excited to see what you come up with!

Kit Black

I hope another upcoming comic features Ethan and Alan! I'm excited to read more!


Whatever you think will make the comics the best/easiest for you sounds good to me! I'm a patron just because I want to help support your art, so everyone getting it at the same time is fine.