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so many teeth :3 




Gods how I hope and pray those two hook up they really are so sweet together. And would be lovely to see her so happy. I just cannot get enough of your wonderful characters especially Chameli and Rochelle. I've even been falling for Miller pretty hard lately. Just love his smile and those gorgeous eyes he has. But those personalities you develop really keeps me coming back wanting more. I so want to see your characters find true happiness and love. And gods what I wouldn't give to meet them. Keep up the amazing work you talented wonderful person you. ^_^


Even feeling a bit intrigued by characters like Illian and Janny. Just so many characters to love and fall for. It truly is amazing how well you sculpt characters and breath life into them by capturing as well as maintaining what makes them...well them. That cannot be easy but you truly excell at that and man your facial expressions on your characters is so top notch. Love love love your art and characters so much. Thank you again for all that you do. ^_^


you should draw the cubes melting as they hit the cup hahaha, SHE ALL BOTHERED! I love it haha