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She will have wonderful sex with everyone, but not with V. T_T

Hello everyone! I hope you all good! Its time of the monthly status update. Lets go.

Aunt Cass Animation

Looking at the animation with Aunt Cass, I can say that it will definitely be longer than the animation with Scarlet and Daemon girl. I predict an approximate animation duration of about 14 minutes. +-. No matter how I cut the part full of dialogues, it turned out to be quite long(even longer than Scarlet, where almost 4 minutes of animation is her monologue in the first half of the video).  I even started to miss the silent demoness... Well, I think next week I will post more WIPs animations. And I will continue to bring the animation to its final.

Also, the results of the tests with the physics of the chest and butt were very successful. Here is an old example of one of the tests. I tweaked some parameters and now it looks even better. Now I can do the physics of her body in more detail, not only simulating the movements of the buttocks and breasts, but also adding movements in the hips without particularly complex manipulations that I resorted to earlier. There is still room to grow, but it already looks more natural.

I have planned one very interesting scene for our beautiful heroine, in my opinion. So it is waiting for a very difficult situation. 

I also still can't decide on the color correction of the animation. Therefore, in the final version, everything may look a little different.

Let me tease you a little with her wonderful forms. ^^


As for posts in the form of short news for a 5+ tier subscription. I will try to do them more often than 1 per month^^. I am still thinking about their design and how I will fill them out. I would like to do something for the design of which I would not spend a lot of time that I could spend creating animation (In the example of this post, I already sit 4.5 hours, taking into account the rendering of posters). I think I will fill it with short text reports on the progress of work and small previews straight from the 3d program.

Evelyn Parker 

Evelyn Parker something in it attracted me It's a pity that V is limited to 2.5 sexual partners.



Barracuda ReN

Nice ,very wont)thanks


Fantabulous work, as always!


Not just images, animations please! My balls are burning right now.


when will the full version be released


i want more cum to her


I will tell about the approximate time release when I will already be at the stage of voicing the animation.


Dezmall, please, how much longer do i have to wait for auntie to be ready? I can't hold it back anymore. I want to do her so so so badly.


We'll have to wait a little longer. I am trying to finish this animation as quickly as possible. Right now my monitor has burned out, or in the worst case my GPU. I am trying to figure out the problem. If something serious I will make a post about it. But I think this is a problem in the monitor.

David Berger

Hey Dezmall just wanted to say that i think you have the best content around. Personally Ive gone though all of your fantastic work and was JW if you might have any recommendations for other creators that compete. Personally i like unemaro especially their succubus video. Just wanted to know of any creators that you might admire. Thank you for all that you do. You have brought a lot of pleasure to my life.


Wow. Thank you very much for these words. :) Yes, the Umemaro3D animations were one of the first that caught my eye and were very well done. It's hard for me to talk about the artists who impressed me, I'm not a very impressionable guy :). But it is worth saying again Umemaro was probably one of the first who started all this and continues to make high-quality 3d animations. On Twitter, I have good animators in my subscriptions.


It's been a whole MONTH now, Dezmall. Can we ever get ANY feed for March? Come on pal, i know you are a genius but even a genius should remain productive. U have any idea how many lonely nights i have spent becoz u dont update? Don't troll me like this. Get the chick in and let's fuck!


I'm trying to get the animation ready for release as quickly as possible. I have a lot of rendering to do. I will tell you more about the release dates of the animation in the traditional post "Status update" on March 27+- March, and in general about what is happening. I wanted to get everything ready by the end of the month, but I don't think that technically my computer can handle the render in time. The chick herself is already ready to share her lewd story. But I need to prepare everything for this.


Can we get a Evelyn Parker animation sometime in the near future Dezmall please man! Thatd be sick!! We barely get nothing with Evelyn in CP2077 ahah :( Make it happen!


Yes, Evelyn Parker was an interesting character. And when I saw her, I said, "V, this is our goal", but then the game told me that she didn't think so. :) But those who have been following me for a long time know that I am very chaotic in choosing characters for animation. Therefore, even I do not know who will be next, when it will be and how it will happen. I don't plan characters for animation on the future. I just do what I want to do at the moment.


Yeah i thought wed get something with Evelyn in CP2077, but the game stripped us with that and now we can only fantasize ahhah. Okay man do what you gotta do, you be working hard on your projects, we can only hope for it. Taker eazy!!