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Spooky sexy pumpkin send you happy halloween!

Next animation

Next short animation completed all the stages of its creation, which depended on me, and is currently waiting for its voice and will soon give you 4 minutes of his time. Initially, I planned to make a 2 minutes of animation. But, as always, i will be got a little skidded ...

Halloween animation 

Usually I do something themed like a previously released animation Vampire time. And this time will be no exception, I will do something small in honor of this holiday.

p.s Those who are waiting for animation with Elsa. Be patient, she will definitely come out. At the moment, I have almost closed all the small projects that were in front of her. Yes, it sounds like I'm Chris Roberts and she is a Star Citizen. But I think I will win this release race. :)



SabitaUsagi (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-09 11:19:31 Honestly i had a feeling the effects & lighting from the brazier might get/look weird.
2019-10-17 22:19:37 Honestly i had a feeling the effects & lighting from the brazier might get/look weird.

Honestly i had a feeling the effects & lighting from the brazier might get/look weird.


Yes, the fix with disabling motion blur helped make the flame smooth and calm. I think after a couple of days of rendering, I can already show the preliminary version. Having made it blue, I made it more autistic because of which it will also be necessary to change a little color in the flame area. I don’t know how much this will be a good solution, but it will be visible already on the final result.

織田 方

Halloween animation can refer to the headless knight DuRaRaRa!!(無頭騎士異聞錄 DuRaRaRa!!)


Still waiting for that Carrack.......


Ahah DuRaRaRa. It is funny that the simplest model in theory did not find its direct implementation. In this case, if i take this poster and give it life in the animation, i will need to choose a less demanding body for this. Because this body will render 22 hours for 5 seconds of animation made on blender). And I would like to do something more than 1 minute for Halloween. Therefore, for halloween I will choose a sfm.

R.K.B. Kirin

No way could take longer than Star Citizen lol


I like him because most of the artists have interesting and thematic works in honor of this holiday. Which are nice to see)


Okay that pic was un-nerving and now I have a very confused boner...