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Hey everyone!

Since I'm a bit stuck on figuring out what to sketch next, I'm asking for your help! Leave a comment with what you'd like to see from me and I'll try to include it in next week's sketches.

It could be a specific character/ series (e.g. "Chun Li from Street Fighter"), or something more general, like an activity or a theme (i.e "gaming", "swimming", or "martial arts")

I only ask that you keep it relatively short, around a handful or words. If it wouldn't fit in a tweet, it probably doesn't fit here!



If you want a character series, you could try some of the girls from the Yugioh anime. Those characters get very little weight gain art. I havr suggestions for specific characters from the show if you want them.


How about Morrigan from ththe Dragon Age series?


How about and eating contest between two fatties and there fighting over the last burger


Mileena mortal kombat, mabye, have potential to be big X3