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Sorry this month is a bit light, kinda still playing catch-up from May. The skin abscess on my back is on the mend but not wanting to give up easily. Back on antibiotics. Not any worry of a relapse of infection just the wound just taking longer to heal. It was a pretty large inflamed/infected area so, might just need a bit more push to get it fully healed!

BUT please enjoy these 3 designs I made as posters. I wanted to do my take on a modern Anubis walking his two pups through a modern temple of the dead...a dead mall. Also wanted to do a cute emo werewolf trying to be sneaky in Picadilly Circus, London. And Top Buns...need I say MORE. Where are his...main weapons...uh...tactically hidden!

Thank You again for all your support,




Health is more important, we will wait for your masterpieces!) Save inspiration))

Savage Shark

I wonder if Cox would even have a call sign in the "cock" pit? XD Sweet work on all these characters. Sorry to hear the health issue is still annoying you. Keep doing what you need to do for yourself, health is improtant, buddy. <3


hey good to know its at least getting a bit better . and no worry of it going backwards at least <3


Get well soon.