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Howdy all! I hope yer doin well. Here is my update for January! Hoping 2021 is gonna be a better year than the last...kinda hard not to eh?

2020 was a rollercoaster...started off for me in San Jose with FC and my usual visit to the Bay Area post con...hit up a Tiki bar...had my rental car busted into, got lots of chill time tho out there and seeing some old friends.

Casey my constant companion for the past 19 years passed away...peacefully at least and I was with her and she knew it...as sad as the passing of a loved one is...I do feel better knowing I was there for her. Then I got to welcome a new lil kitty into my life with Missy. She's currently in her "terrible 2's" of kittendom...realizing she can leap and get to places she could not before. My figure collection is doomed.

It ended with taking a short sabbatical to Lake Ontario with a friend of mine who's family owns a small cottage along it. It was right after Casey passing and really needed some quiet reflective chill time for sure.

The new year so far has been kinda OK I guess. Doing the usual, I try to get bout an hour a day walking in and keeping to my sorta diet/daily calorie count. I know I've put on a few pounds but still fit and trim. Little more early bed times and sleeping in I think is all really. Con schedule this year is anyone's guess. I am fine tho with deferring em to 2022 to just make DAMN sure we are all safe and back to SORTA normal. Much as I miss cons...I kinda rather see em come back full strength than at half power and still feeling a lil unsure at em...but that's just me!

Had my brother face some health issues that could have gone bad but thank goodness he's on the mend. AND this year I turn 50. I don't feel like I'm gonna be 50...I guess getting in better shape has helped that and being more active than I was just 3 years ago when I was drowning in fast food in Philly and kinda not aware of how much I was in bad shape.

Sorry for rambling...just wanted to say HEY...stay safe out there, thanks for supporting my work...with cons on the back burner you've all really helped me get thru some whacky times.  AND I hear some have not got there blind auction packages...I dunno what is goin on...I have had some things take 2 months get to me just toss me a message if not got yours! ^_^

OH YEAH...this month some Alexi and Smirnov Soviet Era goodness...I kinda see them existing in some Metal Gearesque world where the US/USSR cold war shenanigans are still going on...not with boring election stuff but more sex and espionage and sexy outfits! I got a new 80s inspired sword and sorcerory dude...no name for him yet...but I am sure I will think of something.  AND hey...horse babes are just hot...so hey HORSE BABE!

Stay tuned February some big sexy thangs comin your way!



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