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MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope yer all doing well. I hope yer all happy and healthy and with loved ones this time of year. I let a new loved one into my life with Missy after saying goodbye to a long loved one in Casey. She is the typical 5 month old...either sleeping, looking cute as hell or in furmissile mode targeting everything she should not. ^_^

Had a lil rough spell here tho, my youngest brother, Ihave 2 younger bros, was just in the hospital for cellulitis. He works at a truckstop and been doing so all thru these past months. He got an infection that masically swelled up his hand and made it feel on fire. He went to the doctor but soon got admitted to the hospital. Was so concerning they kept him overnight. He got pumped up with antibiotics. IV fluids and a crappy ham sandwich with mac & cheese. Eventually he was released...just yesterday...so...that is good. He's feeling better...moreso that he is home and not stuck in a hospital bed anymore. So far so good, so send him some positive vibes if you can. ^_^

BUT here is the main event, Cox and Ruger...I dunno exactly what Ruger is saying...something like...is that my harness...and are those my old antlers? Cox is prolly saying something like..You look good in it...I look awesome...OR something to that effect. Again...Merry Christmas to all and I got LOTS of fun update stuff for this month...let's just say...it's gonna be a Red December...you'll like!

Stay safe, healthy and happy and see you all soon for my end of year update...with some fun sneak peeks before then so stay tuned thru-out the week!




Merry Christmas Gideon! Hope you have a fantastic day. Glad to hear your brother is okay and glad to hear that Missy is being the cutest of furballs! Love the art as always, love the Christmas Boys. <3


"You look good doe" -Ruger probably


Dang Cox looks fantastic. Merry Christmas Gid and glad to hear everything’s alright with your brother!


Merry Christmas Gideon!


Merry Christmas Gideon and hope yours ends up well to! Glad to hear your younger brothers situation at the Hospital turned out with him being released quickly, and hope Missy is gonna enjoy her first Christmas. Me I am going to be playing Santa in a bit and drop off some presents to a few households. Wish I could stay a bit and visit, but you know how it is this year sadly. But yeah hope you have a good one!


Merry Christmas to you and your family! Hope your brother is back to 100% in no time!


Sorry to hear your brother had been in the hospital but, glad he's out and about now. This holidays is easily one of the scariest holidays ever, hope he gets well soon. My favorite duo getting up to some sexy silly fun. Can imagine Cox saying something cheesy like "the buck stops here"! Merry Christmas Gideon and comments!

Benji Fox

I love the way you draw antlers. ♡