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Last night I went my local...over an hour away...drive-in. Every Tuesday they show genre cinema, exploitation, you name it. Last night was Death Wish. I go weekly...more this summer than to any theater from the past few years than insert name of mindless blockbuster here.  Seen...Scanners, Shogun Assassin, The Beyond, Gates of Hell, The Last Shark, etc...with many more come...The Prowler, Massacre at Central High...

I always get there early so I can do sketching. Last night Cox was what came out. Sometimes I start with an end game in mind...sometimes even I dunno what's gonna come out!




The drive-in here has been showcasing a lot more exploitation, slasher, splatterhouse, sci-fi and etc over the last couple of months but it’s sporadic days and I always miss the shows


Haven't been to a drive-in for a long time. Only local drive-in shut down years ago. Wonderful sketch Gideon.


Never been to a drive in before. Always wanted to though as they always looked super fun.


Charles Bronson's Death Wish? Nice, love that movie. Wish we still had our local drive-in. The Drafthouse here opened up but it's like every 4th seat us open due to the pandemic so good luck even getting in. But nice sketch and glad you had a good time!


Sir, you can't view a movie at a drive in with a dump truck.... Oh that's just your ass. Carry on.