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EDIT: I had failed to attach the PSD art pack...but now it's there! Thanks guys!

PSD Update Part 2 of 3

GO! Howdy y'all! I hope you all remain healthy and happy these days. Not much else to say this month. Been a busy one...felt...odd...having nothing to do on the 4th of July weekend. Felt a little...freeing perhaps to just have a BBQ and enjoy time with friends...but...next year will be nice to get back to the usual grind in Pittsburgh for sure! 

Y'all take care and be well. Thank you so much for supporting my work at any level, every buck counts. Casey and I say THANK YOU!



Rakai Fox

Is it just me or is the file missing on this post?


Hahahah oh no...I swear it’s not an update unless I mess something up!! Makes it more...official. Ok...I will upload it late tonight I am actually not home...went to the Drive-In in Mahoning, PA. Seeing Street Trash and The Incredible Melting Man on a great schlock filled double bill. ^___^ Sorry the, I swore I did it right this time...nope!


Howeeeeee, that is a FANTASTIC pic. Absolutely boss.