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I‘m currently waiting for Casey to finish her time at the vet’s office. I took her in this morning from her slight weight loss and increased hunger. She has hyperthyroidism and kidney disease, has had those ailments for quite some time and well, just been medicating twice daily with pills...that she loves since they get hidden in treats, and medicated kidney disease food diet. They’ve done a full blood work and are currently waiting on her majesty to...pee. Hehe she never fails to go to the vet’s office and NOT want to go for em. So...couple hours while she uh...powers up. 

Gonna be a tight month with lack of Any upcoming con schedule for the foreseeable future. Hey, just the way it is we all gotta beat this pandemic and who knew my anti-social habits when out would now be what helps us all! Eat that close talkers! ^_^ But yeah, this vet bill will be a lil pricey and I know we are ALL doing what we can to save. I am gonna open 3 slots in a single character full color pic tier today at 6pm EST. I will publish the tier at that time so, you will just see it appear I assume if you refresh the page.

I am working on finishing up sketches and such so these slots will be finished in the coming weeks. I will contact you if you get one  of the 3 slots. These will not go   monthly...just this one time. And sorry for the oddness of this post, I’m using my iPad in the vets parking lots, they are doing  all exams by keeping us in our cars and taking the lil furry patients in the office so no contact. 

All tiers will see this post cuz I wanted to spread the word and give everyone a shot at this. I seriously appreciate the support you’ve all given me and Casey and I hope you are all happy, healthy and safe. Thanks y’all yer the best.




Hope everything works out with Casey. Glad to hear she was able to still see a vet even with all the craziness going on, even if it means waiting in a car and not a lobby. But hey, it's all compromises right now. You both take care!


Hope Casey's tests go well! And doubly glad to hear the vet your going too is taking those kinda of precautions, gotta break the chain of transmission. Stay safe and stay healthy! That goes for everyone else. :p


Best of luck with Casey! ;___;