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Boy...I always end my posts...generally...with a take care and stay healthy...wow...have I never meant it more than now. I hope yer all doing well in our social distancing where ever you are. Casey has certainly enjoyed WAY more of my lap then she has ever had! 

Just a health note...remember to wash your hands, keep clean, keep distant from those that may be susceptible to respiratory infections since you can have symptoms of COVID-19 and not even feel them but still carry the virus. Just take this time to take care of yourself and those around you and we should all get thru this fine.

Conventions in the near future have either been canceled or postponed. BLFC has been postponed to Halloween weekend and FWA has been as far as I know canceled this year. I do not know if this will affect summer conventions like Anthrocon and Eurofurence, both cons I plan to attend. This will make the coming months for me a little leaner than usual since I depend on those months to be a little better with those cons providing a little extra income. If you can also donate to any local charities, help neighbors or family, please do so. We’re all in this together.

I will be getting to all my commitments and making sure I’m caught up to date. I wanted to thank you SO MUCH for supporting my patreon at any level. This will certainly be helping me get thru the next few months as I keep putting as much work up here as I can for y’all! Like...the WIPs I am sharing tonight! We see the macro poster idea from last months poll winner with an Anubian and Lioness goddess go at it...Anubust and Sukhonet....at least the names I have for them so far. It will have tons of detail and am really enjoying creating this one.  Also we see Cox as Cammy...one of the other poll runner ups.

Sorry for rhe rambling...boils down to...stay safe, clean and watch ove your loved ones and thanks so much for supporting my work. Finis!




Appreciate the write up of kind words and hope you take care as well. Was actually cool meeting you at TFF, very easy to approach despite my nerves....again hope all remains well for you!


Will the months file have the 6 sketches you did/are doing? Or will those be delayed with all the insanity going on?


Thanks! I like meeting people at cons which also makes the con can elations recently tough, I DO love meeting new people. But I want everyone safe too so I’m glad the cons are being responsible and canceling/postponing!


I love that boi <3


Glad to hear your healthy Gid and I hope everyone else is doing okay as well. This is gonna be a rough few months even for people that manage to not catch the virus. Anyway, the pics look fantastic, Cox especially as always looks fantabulous. I can't wait to see what all you got up your sleeve as well as what you got cooking for the Art Slot I managed to get. ^.^ Anyway, stay safe and healthy everyone.


Thanks for the update! Hope things go well for you, your family, and everyone else!

Savage Shark

I know what you mean. Sucked hearing FWA is canceled this year. But better safe than sorry now a days. I fear AC may end up having too shut down, I just hope they make a decision soon. If they do it'll likewise suck, but again better safe than sorry. Stay safe and healthy dude. Give kitty lots of lap time Sweet idea for some epic Egyptian action X3. I'll be honest: my money's on the giant busty Anubis.