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Possibly access to polls and a discord channel where we can chat, etc. Kinda early yet but those are my musings...and thoughts?




I'd hella love to join! <3

Tyro Thunderdrone

I see most other people doing discords at 5 bucks or 10, means more accessible to fans. Teirs and channels in the server would be a good idea


A fifteen dollar tier for voting/polls would be really good. As for Discord? That's been a pretty popular reward for a while and is a generally a great idea. Though would probably be better at starting Discord access at the five or ten dollar tier.


Ok! Again I'm not sure yet what to offer at a $15 tier yet. But a discord at a $5 or $10 level might be a good idea too not sure is all.


Well a 15 dollar tier that was focused on voting/polling on content would be a pretty popular tier I'd imagine. It wouldn't have to be anything really extreme either, just a single pic a month drawn from a curated list of ideas, themes or characters you think would be fun to work on but would like to see what fans would like to see the most. As for Discord? Discord is a pretty fun reward I've found and one that more and more artists are offering. Starting it at five or ten dollars would be a good way to entice people to upgrade their patronage up a level or two pretty easily as plenty of people would like a medium to talk to other people who are into the same stuff and content they are. Hope this all helps. ^.^


Do you want discord to be small and private for limited access to you, or larger and more like a public community/forum?


Only problem with trying to keep it small by keeping the discord tier as a high level reward is that there's precious little stopping someone from getting a reward tier with discord acsess and then dropping it to something lower the next month.


That’s true to, I’d almost suggest just making ALL tiers discord access, since that’s what literally every other Patreon of mine does and seems to be the common trend


Higher tiers can be more like sketch request or poll access


Yes do a Discord!


I think keeping it at the five dollar reward tier would be best honestly. It's low enough that most folks could easily reach it and decide to stay at that level for the other rewards.

Rykela Zair

Well, to run a discord Gideon needs at least one or two trustworthy folks to admin it. If he wanted to make that a ban-worthy offense, then they'd take care of it.


Yeah, thankfully it's not that difficult to deputize an Admin or two to help keep things running smoothly and Discord has some really good tools for moderation.