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Bröther we have a lööp! (And some jiggle!)

The head movement still looks unnatural to me. I might try changing it to maintain the downward angle throughout, instead of having it lean back on the way up like that. Otherwise let me know what you think! 

Next time you see this, I'll probably have most of the details ready along with some flat colors.



Sen Trillion

I think near the end when the head bows back down that's fine, but it's a bit jagged at the beginning rising up. Other than that it looks great!


I’m no animation scientist, but this looks Mighty Fine to me, bröther

Jonathan Russell

That does look pretty great! As far as the head movement, I think the bit that makes it look odd is when the head tilts to the side before coming back down. It makes the head motion seem circular rather than just up and down and that might be where it feeling off comes from. Still looks great in any case ^^