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Edit 6/30: Just posted a new version that fixes a few bugs ( Thanks for your help!

Hi all! The latest test build for BL3 is now up. Again, thanks for waiting patiently, and sorry it took so long. This one was a lot of work.

You can make your way over to the page via your itch.io library or using the key I sent to your DMs. (Remember, it's separate from the public BL3 page - you're looking for the one titled "BL3 Update Test Builds.") I think everyone should have a key by now, but if I forgot to send you one or there's a problem with your key, let me know.

Like before, PRESS F4 IN THE MAIN SCENE to switch to the alt pose/hogtie scene.

Full list of new assets (all in the hogtie scene):

  • Stuffer 2
  • OTM 3-10
  • OTN 3-10
  • Mask 1-10 (masks are in the clothing menu)
  • Tape Lv1 (elec)
  • Tape Lv1 OTN (duct, mic, elec)
  • Wrap Lv1 (duct, mic, elec)
  • Tape Lv2 (duct, mic, elec)
  • Tape OTN Lv2 (duct, mic, elec)
  • Wrap Lv2 (duct, mic, elec)
  • Cleave Lv2
  • Tape over cleave lv2
  • Tape OTN over cleave lv2
  • Cloth collar
  • Cloth blindfold
  • Tape blindfold (duct, mic, elec)
  • Ballgag
  • Ballgag harness
  • Big ballgag
  • Big ballgag harness
  • Big ballgag face (wide open jaw but no stuffed cheeks)
  • Stuffed ballgag
  • Stuffed ballgag harness
  • Stuffed big ballgag
  • Stuffed big ballgag harness
  • Big stuffer (level 3 stuffing)
  • Big stuffer face
  • Big OTM 1-6
  • Big OTN 1-6
  • Big Mask 1-6
  • Big cleave
  • Big tape cleave (duct, mic, elec)
  • Big tape strips (duct, mic, elec)
  • Big tape OTN (duct, mic, elec)
  • Big tape wrap
  • Tape strips over big cleave (duct, mic, elec)
  • Tape OTN over big cleave (duct, mic, elec)
  • Super massive gag (Lv7 OTN, big stuffer only)
  • Hood 1 & 2
  • Normal face blush
  • Stuffed face blush
  • Big ballgag face blush
  • Big stuffer face blush

As you can see, we've got a lot of new stuff to mess around with. I'm sure there are some bugs or graphical errors. Please test everything thoroughly.

The numbers in the top left are for debugging and won't be in the final release. Layers should match the number of gag layers, "thickness" is a variable for determining the size of cloth gags and masks.

The only hairstyles available in the hogtie scene are twintails, ponytail, and high bun. If you try to select one of the others, the game will crash.

Please let me know if you find any bugs or anything else you would like to see changed. Your feedback has been very helpful so far, so don't be shy.

Thanks all!



Loving the update! Haven't found any crashes, just a graphical bug when applying any kind of tape blindfold


So far. this is good. There were a few graphical bugs like with the tape blindfold turning flesh colored when used, and whenever I remove a gag, it also removes the upper body rope work, so there's that. Also, it does crash when I try to change hair styles in the hogtie, though that's most likely because of them not being implemented. Overall though, pretty good! I do have a question: is there going to be a way to mix and match gags? Like I can do tape and cleave and all that, but once I do OTM and OTN with cloth, that's all I can do, and I can't add tape beyond a blindfold.


Yep, I just noticed that. The game is also using the wrong top layers for tape OTNs. I'll probably put out a quick fix later tonight or tomorrow.


Thank you! I'll fix the tape blindfold issue before the weekend is over. OTMs, OTNs and masks can be freely layered over each other, and you can still add a cloth collar and/or a hood. I was also considering adding a way to do tape wraps over cloth gags. Was there something else you had in mind?


Can't wait to try this out! Cheers!

Zyrokiss Arts

As it stands it appears to be mostly in functioning order save the features yet to be added. I encountered the tape bug, but we appear to have addressed that. I believe a change that might be fair to implement is maintaining the gag/ binding states from the previous scene rather than having it reset, but I find that to be more aesthetic than functional. Otherwise brilliant work, looking forward to seeing how you continue to grow this piece and happy to help along the way…