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Continuing from where we left off here! The WIP was more popular than I expected, so I added more gags and a suitably weird stream-of-consciousness of a caption. 😷

Keep my big mouth STUFFED and GAGGED!



Sen Trillion

Well well well what do we have here? Showed up to gag Jam and lookee here he's already six steps ahead! I'm impressed with the knots...but I think we could add a few more, wouldn't want you escaping now do we? Not that you would. No, you love being a GAGGED SLUT don't you? We wrap you up and you can tell just from the mmphs that's you're begging for more layers, tighter knots, stricter bonds. That's ok though because we love oogling your FAT TITS and ASS, and I can tell from that nice bulge down there that you do too. You GAG SLUT JUST SHUT UP, SHUT UP JAM! (hope this was ok...)


I think I've got some room in my hall closet to stash you away. With that thick of a gag, NOBODY would hear you. On the off chance they did, we'd just need to add another layer or 2.....or 3...


Oh no, I'd better watch out! :x (Thanks so much for increasing your pledge btw, that's super kind of you!)

The Deaf Mans Lands

Goodness, how did I not spot this when it was posted? I guess all those gags we stuck on you ages ago sure did the trick, huh? You must be a little stiff from being cooped up in this closet for so long... whaddya say we take you for a little walk? I've missed seeing all of these jiggly, plump assets of yours bounce around! Though granted, I don't know if those gags are *quite* right... we may need to doll it up a bit, replace it all with some fresh rags. I bet you'd like a new treat, wouldn'tcha?