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Felt like drawing a super huge, super tight cleave gag based on this... then kept going!

Went with a decidedly un-cute style for this one. Something I've mentioned with previous Weirds is I actually think it's kind of hot when a pic like this looks a little bit "off." And a good cleave will distort the face a lot anyway, so why not go all the way with it?

Idk if that makes sense. But if you get where I'm coming from and you like this kind of thing too, be sure to let me know!

Might add more gags or more caption at some point if you guys are interested.



Sen Trillion

If you ever need to shut up Jam we are all here to support you. Also nice job! Always love seeing weirds, they are so hot!


Warning: Weird Me: HELL YEAH! WEIRD!! Seriously though great job with the cleave you can really tell just how stuffed that mouth is, plus the added detail on the OTN is great