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Another photo study!

Ready for a quiet Friday...




Love these reference pics Jam, and your eye makeup is so pretty!! A very quiet Friday should do you a lot of good huh 😈


OMG Jam this is incredible!! It's nice to see a muffled gagslut nice and silenced

Noviy Imya

Every photo study you do Jam is like Christmas to me, lol. You just look so good all muffled up and GAGGED like you should be, and I know you agree~ Lemme hear a nice, loud "I'm a muffled, layered gagslut", how about it~?


Just lovely!! These photo studies are super fun, such a great feel to the details. Now shoosh 🤫


I think it's a good idea to keep jam gagged for the whole weekend, only un-gagged for eating and cleaning. If their good, they'll be rewarded at the end.