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Killing some time tonight with a quick edit of last month's Alice pic. Enjoy! (Mmph!)




Love to see all those muffling layers keeping you nice and silent ☺️ keep quiet until you sleep you cute bound up bimbo!!


Absolutely love this! Never though Jam would cosplay his own characters.


Always great to see a big mouthed bimbo kept quiet with electrical tape!


love the sock over your nose. I would gag myself the same way today


Love it

Noviy Imya

Struggle all you want Jam, you know we need an “Alice” and you’re gonna be our Alice! You can feel the ropes creak as you struggle, you know you’ll never break them, let alone untie them, not with your hands taped up like they are! You’re bound EVERYWHERE, Jam, you CAN’T escape from this and you know it! And there’s not a single thing your sockgagged, electrical taped, thickly muffled GAGSLUT mouth can say that will change that. You’ll just have to swing those massive tits around uselessly and pray that someone recognizes you. You’re our Alice now, Jam. ALICE IS GAGGED!!


When were the other times? For research purposes…


Shushhhh now Jam 🤫 we went to a lot of trouble to, ahem, 'relocate' you! It was actually quite difficult, and we can't have you spoiling all our hard work! So be a good little BIMBO for us and... Be. Quiet. Or. Else. Really, it's not so bad, is it? Just relax!! Enjoy yourself! That gag actually feels pretty GOOD, doesn't it?? And you look SO pretty, you were born for this! C'mon, bat those lashes and shake those big tits for us!! But remember~~ do it quietly~ 🤐


Adding electrical tape gags to your arsenal was def a good choice. They always look fantastic, especially the really thin ones.