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We're doing something a little bit unusual this month: because Power completely ran away with the most recent poll, she's gonna be the Bonus for Feb, while the actual Poll Winner slot will go to second place (Nurse Miriam).

On that note, I'd also like to reveal a little something I've been plugging away at behind the scenes for a bit: I made a website!

On large platforms, NSFW artists have to wrestle with vague, arbitrarily enforced rules, and features poorly suited to our needs. Patreon and itch.io are the only ones that haven't made me feel completely dispensable, and even they have their issues. It sucks! I know true independence isn't possible, but it still feels nice to have a little piece of the internet that's actually mine.

On the more practical side, I'm also hoping this will help solve some of the issues people have been having with Patreon's UI; it's always been a bit clunky, but it seems especially bad lately, with some people finding it impossible to access old rewards. Hopefully this will help fix that! Check the Archives page for stuff older than a couple of months.

Take a quick click around and let me know if you need help finding anything, or if there's anything you'd like me to fix, change, or add.

Thanks all!




Love the website Jam! There have been a few NSFW artists that I have seen with there own websites, but I think you are one of the first bondage ones I've seen with one. Really liking how simple it is, can see stuff quickly and without nonsense; love seeing everything in a gallery(!!) (between patreon and twitter, the timeline style of presenting content is about to drive me mad). Do you plan on uploading your whole backlog, or just having the newer stuff on there? Also, is there a way to zoom in on pictures when you have them opened up? If not, that would be a greatly appreciated feature!


Love your treatment of Power and I like the website! I think it’s really well made and after a quick look through the website I can’t find anything I’d change 👍


Absolutely loving the new website!


The Patreon unlock is causing me some issues. On my iPhone, I try to keep adult content off my “default” browser for various privacy-related reasons, and attempting to access the content for my tier on the Patreon app’s built-in browser (or any other app’s built-in browser, for that matter) redirects me to the default browser, which is. Not particularly cool with me. This might be an insurmountable tech issue on my side, though. Passwords and accounts would be too easy to leak, it’s possible that the click-through is the only Patreon compatibility you’ve got, so on and so forth. I hope you don’t drop sharing images through Patreon completely; I don’t mind jumping through hoops for the occasional too-spicy-for-Patreon image, but making all the art website-exclusive would be difficult.


Ideally I'd like to have everything on there but it'd be a pain in the butt to go back and do it all. I'll probably add a few of my favorites here and there and let people use the Archives to grab everything else. Also, you should be able to zoom in now using the magnifying glass in the upper right of the image galleries. Give it a shot! :D


Hmm... So when you go to the website you're still in the in-app browser, but then when you tap the orange "unlock with Patreon" button it opens the default browser?

Sen Trillion

The new site seems nice and working so far! Also I love this Power piece, awesome job ❤️


That's weird... I'll mess around with it tomorrow and see if there's anything I can do. I want this to be a convenience for you guys, not a hassle. I'll figure something out. In the meantime, maybe you could log into Patreon in the default browser in incognito/private mode? If you're worried about someone snooping on your phone, that'd probably be more private anyway, no?


Congrats on the new website! And also for finally making good on that Power image you tweeted about last month. (Now if only I could get ahead on Chainsaw Man so it would mean more than 90% of something...)


The new website is looking great! I had no idea you could integrate another site with Patreon like that. Lately I've been thinking that the way the internet is so centralized nowadays is terrible and we should all kind of go back to having our own websites, so seeing a big artist in the bondage community do just that is super cool. ^.^

LazyLexy 212

More "Power" to you.


I'm sure the new site will be good in the long run, but it's currently refusing to give me any option to sync my Patreon subscription to it so this new picture is impossible for me to actually view. No matter what I try or where I click, it just either zooms me in on the blurred pic instead of giving me an option to sync or just takes me back to Patreon with no option to actually interact with the site. Help? ^^; EDIT: The moment I post this after 15 minutes of trying to get it to work, it just suddenly starts working. Murphy's Law strikes again.


Glad you got it working, but that's still weird. How did you get the blurred images in the first place? Did you just follow the link from this post?


Yeah, then went through the Patreon sync, but then it was just showing the blurred versions for a really long time lol Checked in again today and now it seems to be working just fine. Not a clue 🤷


Yeah, that's really odd... If it happens again, try clearing your browser cache.


Hi I can’t see the images on the website I’m a $10 tier and it says I can’t view them. Is there a way to fix this?


Hey, sorry about that! For some people it can be a bit buggy at first. Try doing a manual refresh with f5 and/or clearing your browser cache. I'll also send you a backup link now just in case that doesn't work.