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Howdy VIPs! Thanks for sticking around through the off-season. I plan to start adding new BL3 content shortly; we'll be jumping in right after I finish the final piece for Diary of a Gagslut in early Feb.

In the meantime, I wanted to share a little something I've been plugging away at behind the scenes:


If you have time, please take a quick look around and check that everything is working properly. Patreon-exclusive content should only display if you're logged in. The "Interactive" and "Packs & Comics" pages are still under construction and have not been published yet. I also plan to continue adding many more pages for individual works like the ones you see on the main page.

I'll be doing a proper announcement soon, probably right once the Feb Bonus goes up later this week. If you have any suggestions for things I should fix, change or add before then, please let me know ASAP.

Thanks all! ✌️



Works so far for me. Is this going to just be an archive of everything you've done, or is there going to be exclusive stuff on there?


Looks good on my end!


Everything’s lookin good 👍


Just an archive, basically. I'm doing it more for fun than for practical reasons, although hopefully it will also solve some of the problems people have been experiencing with Patreon's UI.


It just werks, chief!