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This will be a full-body pic. Let me know what you'd like to see!



She’s quite horny so maybe some really tight and extensive crotch and breast ropes. And maybe a pantyhood too? 🥹


Big OTN gags are always a favorite but I’m also going to say, for a final layer, give her a veil. It’s been a while since we’ve seen those and they’d fit her aesthetic


Alternate, possibly better given the time of year lol, idea. How about if she has herself wrapped up and gagged, then left under the tree with a note for Ainz to enjoy his present?


I don't remember if we've seen this from you, so how about Vac-Bondage? Vacbed, or Vac-Cube, Tower, or something like that

Sen Trillion

I second this, I have such a weak spot for Christmas wrapped bondage. She could be blindfolded even.


I think this is the best time for some wrapping type bondage. Maybe mummified in red tape, laid on her back?


Think duct tape mummification would be great, maybe leave a window in the tape for her chest though

Zyrokiss Arts

Can the grabby hands grab her horns?


Blindfold and rope harness?


A stupidly long otn. Like specifically on the triangle point

brock jax

How bout a jamified version as well