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Milf season continues! (In this house, it's always milf season.)

I made her boobs REALLY huge here... Maybe a bit too huge. They keep getting bigger every time I draw her. They were even more exaggerated originally (second image). They always look bigger once you start coloring them in. 🤔

Probably going to spend more time messing around with the clothes, maybe write a little dialogue/caption.



Sashi Williams

* soft chuckle* they get bigger the more you draw her.... umm.. I'm NOT finding anything wrong with that.. now all she has to do is be in a teensy tiny 2-piece Bikini in the NEXT time you draw her.. ( by then, it'll be as "big" as dental floss compared to her "abundance!"


You did a really good job with her face! Its cool to see you draw with a style that isn't a traditional "anime" style and do stuff like a more defined nose, having the eyebrows covered by the hair, and having more defined lips. I definitely approve with all of this style experimentation you've been doing!


Thank you! Smaller eyes, longer face, and more defined lips and nose all give a more mature Mommy type of look :D


WHEW LAD - JESUS HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL MATE!!!! I am absolutely head over heels in love with how April looks man. Like I cannot fathom how gorgeous this is. I adore the way you've drawn her lips, nose and eyes my dude. Im particularly blown away by the fullness of the lips in particular - it looks incredibly sexy in so many ways. Once again kudos to all this experimentation you've been doing style wise! It's been absolutely brilliant to see and I think it's been paying off in dividends :D Congrats on all your hard work man <3


XD Man, she's a REAL lovely MILF! Amazing work on her! I would love to see more of her in the future! I'm sure she'll be able to VERY firmly SHUT YOU UP, JAM! >:3


Really big fan of how much more vibrant and colorful your work has become, it really pops nowadays!

Sen Trillion

I'm always a fan of the milfs, especially yours! Looking awesome!


Looks as though someone can’t keep their big mouth shut and needs a nice big gag.


She’s my favorite.


April looks AMAZING!!! You have outdone yourself Jam!!


No such thing as too huge!