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One of the quintessential classic DIDs! A few of the gags for this one are based on actual scenes from the old cartoon. How is this the first time I've ever drawn her!?

A "Jamified" version ("me" cosplaying as the character) can be found here. Around half of the people in the suggestion thread asked for it... Seems like I just can't catch a break!




Woohoo! A classic damsel in distress. Love the Jamified version (especially the dialogue)! We definitely can’t let you catch a break considering what a total GAG SLUT you are Jam <3


Yeah you’re really gonna have to earn your freedom from this blackmail Jam! Better keep squirming for the camera~


We love us some Jam! Thanks for appeasing us so much!


Looks great Jam! Really like the angle for this one, gives a good view of both her hips and bust! I never watched TMNT growing up so I don't have the same child hood memories of April as a damsel (I was raised on a damsel diet of Daphne and Lois Lane myself), but I definitely appreciate her place in the damsel hall of fame!


The expression in the Jam version is so good!


A M A Z I N G ! !


Thanks! Kinda same tbh. I wasn't even born yet when the original TMNT cartoon started airing. I did watch it as a kid but only when I was suuuuuper little. I definitely remember trying to catch scenes in Scooby-Doo reruns though.


Very specific compliment but I love the way the bulge in the Jam version is drawn, and the “throb throb” just makes it even hotter

Sen Trillion

These look amazing but the Jam ones... OMG Jam they are INCREDIBLE. Thanks for putting up with us degenerates time and time again!


Really nice job on both April and the jammified version! Both look super cute 😊


I love how you captured the style of the gag from the old cartoons! Very instrumental in my early awakening. I remember my childhood dentist waiting office having a TMNT picture book with April bound and gagged like that. I would read that page alone every check up.

Trevor Bond

I mean, I assumed you just weren't familiar with the old series. A lot of people aren't these days. Still always glad to see classic April!


This rocks X3, just finished Shredders Revenge too!

Joseph E Gawronski

My #1 DID! Terrific job with this one, as always!