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Late night horny doodle with more blackmail fantasy. I tried to style this one to make it look more like an actual guy in makeup and a wig compared to how I usually draw this stuff... It's less cute, but more humiliating!

If people are interested I'll clean this up a little and add more variants later in the week. Wanna do one with a big purple mask... 😷




Wow, just… is that all you can muster? It’s like whispering, at best, though your efforts are admirable I must admit


I think it’s still really cute Jam, I like the way you styled the hair. What a humiliating video this would be though, imagine how many retweets it would get! Definitely gotta try to be a little louder, hopefully they don’t keep laying on the layers to make it even harder for you to be heard! If you’re this quiet now how little noise do you think you can make with some folded up socks pushed under your nose and even more layers of cloth and tape muffling your moaning mouth!


You try shouting through an airtight tapegag and big noseplugs like that and then we'll see how high and mighty you are!


I wish I’d get to try that, though it seems you: A. Can’t get out and prove me wrong B. Don’t want to get out to prove me wrong So I shall remain high and mighty for now~


I think in general whenever you do the side pieces the question is if we like it and you should do more with/of it is a resounding yes! That being said I prefer the more feminine appearance since I prefer girls and it's easier to be "sold" on that aspect of it. And if you're doing variants...personally you're not even trying hard enough to be heard which tells me you don’t care. That gag is a bit light so let's change it to some rolled socks and panties, a big squishy ballgag, then I'd heavily wrap your dumb mouth & nose in perma-seal. Before you go in the closet you're getting a heavy duty muzzle gag+collar combo around and MAYBE if you're an entertaining bimbo I won't throw away the key...the video is going up though, we're past that you dumb gagslut.


Thank you! And oh man, being fully sockgagged over noseplugs, it'd be a struggle to even breathe, let alone shout for help... Now I'm imagining some kind of contraption hooked up to a decibel meter that automatically posts the video if it drops below a certain noise level. That'd really be evil 🤐


That’d be really hot more like, watching the desperation in your eyes as that meter drops down to your total humiliation. Aaaaah it’s so delicious, I love it!


Could see that working with it strapped to a table with a microphone and a video camera constantly recording. When the sound drops it starts livestreaming to its social media accounts.


Wow, I LOVE this one!! I really like the more humiliating nature of it, all the little details like that little shred of brown hair peeking out from under the wig! I personally would love to see more drawings like this, cause I mean you already draw a lot of adorable girls, it makes me happy to see you draw adorable guys too. Obviously it's all about your comfort levels, but if you want to do more, I will definitely be down for it!! 😷😷

Sen Trillion

I think this looks great Jam, I kinda like the difference as I feel like with Trap/Femboy stuff I think it's nice when there is some kind of hint/indicator that they are a femboy ie. a bulge or facial features. Still think it's really cute and it's really great, would love to see more! Now, get to shouting or this video is going to more that just strangers 😈


Oooh VERY interested in this concept. If time and comfort allowed maybe some writing on the tape to further the humiliation along. I enjoy the more obvious guy being feminized part as well!


Super. Hot. 👀🤐


With all that noise your still able to make we need to roll up two pairs of panties and cram them in a sock and jam that in your mouth. Then tape wrap your mouth over and over till those cheeks bulge and you can’t move your lip’s anymore


I need the same predicament!!!!!! so hot!