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Hi friends! Thanks so much for all your help and support throughout the development of BL3. 

Sadly, now that BL3 is finished, I don't have much to offer VIPs at this point. I tried to think of new rewards to keep the tier going, but in the end I couldn't really come up with anything that I'd be able to keep up with on a monthly basis on top of everything else and still justify the price point. I do plan to come back to BL3 and add more content in the not-too-distant future, and I'd like to have testers when that time comes, but I don't know when exactly that will be.

The VIP tier won't be deleted; however, it is going to be unpublished for now. What that means is it'll be hidden on the main page and no one will be able to join (or re-join) the tier. When I start work on BL3 updates, the tier will be re-published and new people will be able join again.

If you'd like to hold your spot until then, or just pitch in a little extra support, you can stay in as a VIP if you like. I do really want to stress though that I don't know when I'll come back to BL3. It'll probably be months. Until then it's probably best to just think of the VIP tier as an exclusive tip jar, with a little potential upside for you, rather than a full-fledged reward tier.

Regardless, unpublishing or deleting Patreon tiers doesn't automatically lower pledges. If you would like to move down to a lower tier, make sure to do so before May 1. I know this is short notice, so if it's already May when you see this, contact me and I'll refund your charge with no questions asked.

BL3 turned out to be such a great little game. I'm really proud of it, and I really, really appreciate everything you guys have done to help make it as good as it is. I couldn't have done it without your support. Thanks all! 

We did it! Yay! 🥳



I also tried to think of something for the VIP but the only thing I could come up with that wasn’t extra work for you was having the VIPs have extra voting weight in the polls. Regardless I’m happy to stay at a higher tier, you spoil us with all the Jam content that’s not even on the schedule!


Thank you so much Mix! That really means a ton to me. I'll try to make it worth your while!