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Introducing the OC Showdown! In these special polls, OCs will be competing instead of the usual characters from popular media.

To get us started we've got gingrjoke's Marcy, Thenia, and Liz! He was kind enough to draw a little fanart of my character Jackie, so this seemed like a good way to kick us off:

(ICYMI: Here's a Liz I drew last year)

This poll will end in 3 days. Cast your votes below!



Ooo this is a cool idea to mix up the polls every now and then


Would you ever have an open poll for peoples OCs or are you always going to be setting the choices?


I plan to set the choices because I don't want different people's OCs getting mixed together and turning it into a popularity contest. That was one of the problems with the old polls: people would submit their own OCs and then get their feelings hurt when they inevitably got stomped by other characters.


Ooooh hell yes! Ging's characters are top tier and that Liz looked so good in your style. Gotta go with tall office lady Thenia this time tho👀 I know whoever wins is gonna turn out incredible!


That makes sense. They did tend to get eat outvoted so this way everyone wins, we get to see you draw OCs and people get to watch us fight over them :P


AYO JAM BRO...... 😳😳😳


Oooh this is a fun idea, hope Marcy can win, she’s my favorite of gingrjoke’s bunch of characters! Are you planning on making these pre-picked OC polls a regular thing? And if so are they gonna be done with just other artist’s OC’s like in this one or also some of your own?


It'll be every other month or so, and mostly my own OCs with other artists here and there!


So every other month will be an OC poll and a second chance poll then right? That sounds like a really great poll schedule if I’m getting that right!


I think I'm gonna retire the Second Chance polls and just periodically bring back characters that have lost depending on suggestions.


Ohhhh ok, still really liking the new polls either way, looking forward to the OC’s that you pick for the OC polls in the future! Especially interested in seeing other artist’s characters in your style


Oh that's fucking beautiful Jackie art. It's so kind of ya to draw their oc in return. Even kinder he didn't tie up Jackie. Let's keep her special~